Learn Roger Federer's top 'plays' and how to use them in your own game.

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Alan L. 

4.0 Level Player | Toronto, CA

"Brady isn’t just a great instructor—he’s a student of the game and really knows how how to analyze the best. These videos have helped me out tremendously.” *

Rob S.

3.5 Level Player | Seattle, WA

"Fantastic...I've never seen anyone analyze Roger's game with such incredible detail before. I can't wait to got out and try these plays in my next match!" *

Monica R.

4.0 Level Player | Austin, TX

"A wonderful course. THANK YOU! I highly recommend this for anyone looking to add a little strategy to their game without getting too complicated. This is just what I was looking for." *


Within this course you'll learn 5 of Roger's most used 'plays' and how to use them in your own game:

  • PLAY #1: Forehand Combos
  • PLAY #2: Serve & Early Groundstroke Combo
  • PLAY #3:  Forehand & Open Court Volley Combo
  • PLAY #4: Return & Open Court Volley Combo
  • PLAY #5: Run Around Forehand Return


Brady Hiete is a certified tennis professional and the founder of DAILY TENNIS LESSON which provides weekly tennis instruction to 35,000+ online subscribers. In total, Brady has given over 7 million online tennis lessons worldwide.

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